Austex Software

Austex signed up with Vulcan on the 27th January 1997 with Uropa². Austex`s unique assets have to be their intense attention to detail within a bi-linear plot progressing concept and their `wickidly structured` designing abilities. Uropa² witnessed allot of sweat and sleepless nights over a 2 year period to end up as a fully fledged Amiga CDRom title with an incredible 3D rendered intro animation, over 300Mb of in-game digitized speech, 10 gigantic internal based missions with 3D Vector light-sourced external locations. The Austex Team deserve a good slap on the back for creating one of the most absorbing titles we have Published to date.

Uropa² The Ulterior Colony Amiga CDRom

      Stephen J Smith
      Paul N Goulding
      Bruce Abel
    Sound Fx
      Stephen J Smith
    Computer Voices
      Lisa Tunnah
      Paul Carrington
      Darryl Sloan
Austex Software, PO Box 48, Kirwan 4817, Australia.